To Hubby on Falling From Roof

You cannot die today
There is a leak in the sink
A squeak from the front door
A hole in the roof
And I haven't said I love you

You cannot die today
The lawn needs mowing
The bedroom needs painting
The taxes, the taxes, oh
what do I do?
And I haven't said I love you

You cannot die today
The mower is sluggish,
The children are ruggish,
Who will help Ben with his math?
And I haven't said I love you

You did not die today
And I did say

I love you
One Complaint

If I have to have wrinkles, and streaks of grey
And baggy, saggy bits,
And parts that warn of rain,
And pink and yellow and polka dot
Things to swallow, and shots
And memories of--of I dunno, I forgot,
And diets of cabbage and celery and plain
Couldn't you
Shouldn't you
Wouldn't you
The pimples would get lost?
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